Atec Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Environmental Technology, Mechanical Engineering Industry
Short facts
- Manufacturer
- Research & Development
- Service Provider
- Year founded 1991
- 20 Employees (site)
- Turnover: <5m EUR
Products/services: Ultrafiltration; Microfiltration; Waste water treatment
Basic data
Atec Automatisierungstechnik GmbH
Emmi-Noether-Str. 6
PC / City
89231 Neu-Ulm
+49 731 97759-0
+49 731 97759-25
Language skills
Bulgarian, English, German
Contact person
Management, Sales / marketing, Purchasing, Research & development, Cooperation: Günther Enderle (Mr.)
Management, Sales / marketing, Purchasing, Cooperation: Philipp Enderle (Mr.)
Research & development: Dr. Stephan Hussy (Mr.)
Core competencies
Ultrafiltration; Microfiltration; Container building; Collecting trays; Pipe installation and entire waste water treatment plants; Flow sheet construction; SPS programming; Initiation of complicated machines and plants
Key sectors / sub-sectors
- Environmental Technology: Environment monitoring, analysis and simulation
- Environmental Technology: Filter systems, dust and aerosol separation
- Environmental Technology: Recycling and reuse of materials
- Environmental Technology: Technical services for environmental technology
- Environmental Technology: Waste water treatment, sewage plants, sludge processing
- Mechanical Engineering Industry: Plant engineering and construction
NACE industries
- Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 26
- Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation; watches and clocks 26.5
- Manufacture of instruments and appliances for measuring, testing and navigation 26.51
- Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 28
- Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 28.2
- Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery n.e.c. 28.29
- Sewerage 37
- Sewerage 37.0
- Sewerage 37.00
- § 19 WHG
Sales markets - target industries
Sowohl Im Bereich Umwelttechnik als auch im Bereich der Steuerungstechnik sind wir bisher bei Atomobilherstellern und deren Zulieferer tätig. Im Bereich Umwelttechnik speziell in der Flüssigfiltration und im Abwasserbereich.
Sales markets - target countries
Bulgaria, France, Spain
Cooperation offers
We are regularly active in the field of research. These can be both German and European programs with several partners.