briechle elektronik e. K.
Automotive Industry, Electrical Engineering & Electronics
Short facts
- Manufacturer
- Research & Development
- Year founded 1983
- 8 Employees (site)
- Turnover: <5m EUR
Products/services: Voltage converters for vehicles 24V-12V and 12V-24V, special voltage converters for ABS - EBS and lights including LED-lamps. Interfaces for European trailers at US-CAN- towing vehicles. Adaptation for light emitting diodes in the trailer to the lamp indication of the towing vehicle Workshop power supplies, industrial electronic, multi input voltage power supplies for computers
Basic data
briechle elektronik e. K.
Schulstr. 1
PC / City
86480 Aletshausen
+49 8282 89485-0
+49 8282 89485-38
Language skills
English, German
Contact person
Management, Research & development: Hermann Briechle (Mr.)
Core competencies
Engineering of specialized DC - DDC converters for car power lines
Switching converters with special functions up to 600V AC/DC
Key sectors / sub-sectors
- Automotive Industry: Electrical and electronic components
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics: Electrical equipment for vehicles and engines
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics: Electronic assemblies
NACE industries
- Manufacture of electrical equipment 27
- Manufacture of electric motors, generators and transformers 27.11
- Manufacture of other electrical equipment 27.9
- Manufacture of other electrical equipment 27.90
- Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 29
- Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 29.31
not available
Sales markets - target industries
Spannungswandler 24V->12V und 12V->24V für Lastkraftwagen, Omnibusse, Anhänger, Sonderfahrzeuge, Schlepper, ABS/EBS 230V AC-Wechselrichter IP68 Automotive-Sonderentwicklungen Sonderentwicklungen im Bereich Stromversorgung
Sales markets - target countries
Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
Cooperation offers
not available