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482 results Key sector Biotechnology Sub-sector All sub-sectors.
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93053 Regensburg
2bind - From Stability to Affiniy. The 2bind GmbH offers different biophysical analytical services.: 1. Labelfree nanoDSF Assays to characterize…
80992 München
Magnetic stirrers, reactionblocks and magnetic drive systems
85235 Odelzhausen
QUANTACHROME is specialized in characterization of powders, dispersions and porous solids.
82152 Planegg-Martinsried
4SC AG is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing small-molecule drugs that can target key indications in cancer with high unmet…
80333 München
Institution acatech - the GERMAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - represents the interests of German sciences and technology in Germany and abroad. As a…
82152 Planegg
advanceCOR is a clinical drug developing company, focusing on novel therapeutics and diagnostics for the treatment of heart and vascular diseases.…
81539 München
One of the leading recruitment agencies for the life-science sectors: Pharmaceutical Industry, Biotechnology, Medical Devices, Diagnostics. Career…
83098 Brannenburg
Software development; Development of databases; System analyses and system engineering; Consulting and solutions; Internet services; Web-based…
91058 Erlangen
Microencapsulation of activ ingredients especially for the production of plant protection products and feed additives
89341 Jettingen-Scheppach
Products Air handling units for buildings comfort and special applications as well as for industrial systems Air handling units AT 4 -…
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