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63741 Aschaffenburg
E-commerce service provider; accounting & controlling; mobile commerce service center; Sourcing & product acquisition; technology storage &…
80637 München
The FreeMail Pionier GMX (Global Message Exchange) is currently one of the most successful German-language communication services on the Internet.…
90596 Schwanstetten
he 1337 UGC GmbH develops and operates crowd-based information portals on various topics in 26 countries. For example, the directories…
91058 Erlangen
1601.communication is an experienced and very flexible team of nealry twenty, with many years of experience in the fields of innovative services,…
82538 Geretsried
•Continual measuring of customer satisfaction. •Modular, adaptable Turn-Key solutions as Application-Service-Providing (ASP). •Individual…
94065 Waldkirchen
2basics GmbH stands for targeted specialisation in the area of 'SAP NetWeaver', which is the technical basis for all SAP applications.
85609 Aschheim
3 EDGE GmbH founded in 2002 is one of the leading distributors in Germany. Relying on a long term experience in the industry 3 EDGE offers among its…
90449 Nürnberg
Product Lifecycle management; CAD software and CAD training courses; 3D Laserscanning; point clouds & CAD product data management; document…
80687 München
3D RealityMaps GmbH is one of the leading providers for 3D digitization and 3D real-time visualization based on aerial images and drones. The company…
Image Processing and Recognition; Software for measuring technique; 3D construction; Software for quality assurance and quality control; Software for…
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