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82031 Grünwald
not available
91790 Raitenbuch
81825 München
Purchase and sale of used office furniture, designers and brand manufacturers such as USM Haller, Vitra, Knoll, LC, Steelcase, CEKA and many more are…
80333 München
Institution acatech - the GERMAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - represents the interests of German sciences and technology in Germany and abroad. As a…
93055 Regensburg
Electronic scrap recycling
82538 Geretsried
Support of small and medium-sized enterprises in all aspects of sourcing in China. Supplier search, supplier development, quality control,…
82205 Gilching
Hard- and software for mobile data entry, mobile terminals, Bar code scanners; Label printers; Mobile computing; Radio coverage; Loading and delivery…
85368 Moosburg
Disposal of recyclables and optimization of internal disposal logistics are our main focus.
89312 Günzburg
The company AFD Verpackung in Günzburg, located on the A8 motorway between Stuttgart and Munich, supplies everything to do with packaging and…
81377 München
Business Processes; ICT services; Industry specific solutions; IT outsourcing, EDP services
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