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90411 Nürnberg
Laser cutting, Jet cutting; Nibbling and punching; Chamfering; Stainless steel processing; Custom-made products; Metal and metal sheet processing;…
80992 München
The company 2k product development is an engineering service provider for the development of high-quality consumer goods and capital goods. The…
Magnetic stirrers, reactionblocks and magnetic drive systems
90449 Nürnberg
Product Lifecycle management; CAD software and CAD training courses; 3D Laserscanning; point clouds & CAD product data management; document…
90574 Roßtal-Neuses
Production of steel moulds for the plastics processing industry; Production of technical parts for refinement and for visible areas
95463 Bindlach
Design development: autonomously or in co-operation with you we develop your future products: Optics, precision mechanics, medicine, automotive…
80335 München
Systems Engineering Project management Risk management Configuation management System architecting Functional modelling Test management Knowledge…
87700 Memmingen
not available
88138 Weißensberg
We are manufacturer of thermoforming machines and special machinery for all ranges of packaging applications. Our machines are suitable for operation…
97076 Würzburg
Toothed wheels. Rims of gear wheels; Automotive steering rod linkages, steering track rods, steering tie rods; Ferrous metals and alloys; Nonferrous…
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