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1161 results Key sector Mechatronics Sub-sector All sub-sectors.
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80992 München
The company 2k product development is an engineering service provider for the development of high-quality consumer goods and capital goods. The…
86159 Augsburg
not available
93309 Kelheim
Special machines for the fleece production
82054 Sauerlach
Cable production for tools and machines; Cable production; Systems supplier and service provider for wiring of machines; Manufacturing of devices;…
80339 München
Laser treatment; Laser cutting; Water-jet laser cutting; Job order production; Cutting metals, steel, stainless steel, aluminium, plastics, foils;…
97702 Münnerstadt
Pipe pulling devices ; Tube beading machines, boiler tube beading machines ; Tube expanders
91126 Schwabach
We consult, project, deliver and mount in the field of heat technology and vacuum technology. The manufacturing of our products is implemented by…
90429 Nürnberg
Cable cutting machines ; Crimping machines ; Crimping tools ; Stripping pliers
84085 Langquaid
Radio remote controls; Construction Radio Remote Control,Radio remote controls; serial interfaces; BUS-Systems; CAN-BUS; Profi-BUS; RS 232; EX…
85399 Hallbergmoos
Repair and sales of hydraulic components Production and sales of spare parts
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