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85235 Odelzhausen
QUANTACHROME is specialized in characterization of powders, dispersions and porous solids.
80333 München
Institution acatech - the GERMAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - represents the interests of German sciences and technology in Germany and abroad. As a…
82152 Planegg
The AMSilk®-Technology enables the production of biopolymers such as spider silk on an industrial scale. These materials are unrivaled by most common…
85540 Haar
attocube systems is the partner of choice for research laboratories and OEM customers all over the world. The close cooperation with the scientific…
80538 München
Institution The purpose of the foundation is to support - university and non-university research projects that are important for the economical and…
Institution As the central patent and marketing agency for 28 Bavarian universities and universities of applied sciences, the Bayerische Patentallianz GmbH…
91052 Erlangen
Institution guidance and development, training and further education, testing and evaluation of laser safety, system engineering
97074 Würzburg
Institution ZAE Bayern's Würzburg division primarily researches and develops functional materials, components and systems for energy technology. One of the main…
90402 Nürnberg
Networks & Thinknet: Bayern Innovativ links companies with universities and research institutes, important companies of the Free State of Bavaria,…
Institution not available
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