Key to Bavaria
The "Key to Bavaria" - Database comprise companies and institutions grouped by industries, which represent key sectors on account of their importance to the Bavarian economy. Most of these industries are also being promoted in the state-wide cluster campaign. At present the database consists of the following 22 key sectors: Aerospace Industries & Satellite Navigation; Automotive Industry; Biotechnology; Chemical Industry; Construction Industry; Cultural and Creative Industries; Electrical Engineering & Electronics; Energy Technology; Environmental Technology; Financial Services; Food Industry; Forestry and Wood Industry; Information and Communication Technology; Logistics; Mechanical Engineering; Mechatronics; Media; Medical Technology; Nanotechnology; New Materials; Photonics; Railway Technology. The key sectors are broken down into sub-industries that companies can themselves assign to.
Standard search
Here you can make a quick text search for unstructured text, and search for key sectors and sub-sectors either separately or in combination (= automatic "and" search). If you wish to use further search criteria, click on the "Advanced search" button.
Advanced search
Here you can search for the following criteria either separately or in combination: quick text search for unstructured text, key sectors and their sub-sectors, state administrative provinces and counties economic activities classified under the NACE system; types of companies and institutions; certification; number of employees; turnover range; language skill; target business lines, target regions as well as cooperation offers (= automatic "and" search). Click on the "Reset search" button to cancel all search criteria.
The following search options are available in the standard search and in the advanced search:
Quick text search
The search for unstructured text may be combined with other search criteria (= automatic "and" search). This search looks up words and word beginnings in the following data fields: name of company / institution; postal/ZIP code; city; products/services; core competences; key sectors; sub-sectors, economic activities (NACE); certification; target business lines; target regions; language skills, family name of contact persons and cooperation offers. You must enter at least 3 characters in one or more search items. Several words in quotation marks are treated as a complete search string (each word must be found in the data entry). This search function is case insensitive. If you want to search for search items in German please use the search option in German. By clicking on the buttons DE and EN in the upper right corner of the page you can toggle between the language versions.
Key sectors / sub-sectors
You may limit your search to one key sector or one sub-sector. In the ”Key sector” pull-down menu you can select one key sector. After marking it you can open a further pull-down menu in the next search field by clicking on the arrow to the right. It contains all sub-sectors of the particular key sector and you can mark the required sub-sector.
The following search options are available only in the advanced search:
State administrative province / district
You may limit your search to one state administrative province or one district. In the “State administrative province” pull-down menu you select from all provinces in Bavaria. After marking one province a list of all districts of the selected province is opened in the next search field. Here you can mark one or more districts, reset the list to all counties or empty the list.
Economic activity (NACE)
You may focus your search to one of the industries classified under the NACE system of the European Union (2008). In order to do this you mark in the search field “NACE industries” one industry. In the next search field “Level 2” you click on the arrow to the right and then mark one entry. In the next search field “Level 3” you can do the same until you have refined your search as required. Alternatively you can enter a word or group of words in the search field “Insert term” and click on the updating button on the right. Then all NACE industries are shown, which contain this search string. By clicking on one entry this industry will be used for the search.
Companies/ Institutions
In one pull-down menu you can select whether you wish to search for all types of companies or institutions or only for a particular type of company or institution.
Choose a region from the pull-down menu if you wish to restrict your search to a particular region.
Enter a certification in this search field which you expect the companies or institutions to hold. An unstructured text search will be conducted for this term.
Enter the maximum and minimum number of employees in the companies you are searching for. In order to search for companies with e.g. exactly 100 employees, enter this figure in both fields.
Choose the turnover range from the pull-down menu which you expect the companies to generate.
Language skill
From the pull-down menu choose the language skill which you expect the companies to possess.
Target business line
In this search field enter the targeted business line or market which the companies should have stated. An unstructured text search will be conducted based on this term.
Target regions
Limit your search to a target market, which the companies should have stated by choosing a country from the pull-down menu.
Cooperation offers
By marking the check box you can search for all companies and institutions which have entered any cooperation offers. Alternatively you enter a term in the next search field, which should be contained in the cooperation offers of companies and institutions. An unstructured text search will be conducted based for this term in the field cooperation offers.
Start search
By clicking on the button “Start search” you run the advanced search.
List view
After the successful search the list view shows for all identified entries the consecutive number, name of company or institution, postal/ZIP code, city, and products/services in English. By clicking on the top of the columns you can sort the entire list by the respective criteria in ascending or descending order. In order to view the entire profile of a company click on its name. You can navigate between pages in the list view by clicking on the page numbers or arrows above or below the list.
In the list view the presented firms are also indicated on a map at the end of the page. By moving the mouse pointer to a symbol in the map the particulars of the company are shown. You can zoom into the map by clicking the + symbol at the right or by double-clicking on the map. For zooming out you can use the - symbol at the right. By clicking and holding down the mouse button you can move the presented frame within the entire map. You can view a single company from the list in the map by clicking the map symbol in the respective list entry. This opens a detailed map with the location of the company.
Firm details
The complete profiles of companies and institutions are displayed in the firm details. On four tabs you find the following information:
Tab Basic data: Besides address, E-Mail and homepage you find under routing the link to the application Key to Bavaria Maps. After clicking the link the application „Key to Bavaria Maps” opens in a new window. It shows the detailed map with the location of the company or institution. By clicking the company symbol you can view the address and products/services (in German), open the homepage and send an E-Mail. By clicking the car symbols you can start routings. In addition you can print the company description and view a QR code of the address. By clicking the symbols above the map you can see different views of the map and on which map objects articles in Wikipedia are available. You return from the map to the firm details by clicking on “Details” in the company description or by closing the window in your browser. In the tab basic data you can also open the homepage of the company or send an E-mail directly.
Tab products/services: Here you find information on company type, year of establishment, employees, turn over range, products/services, core competencies, language skills, classification in key sectors and sub-sectors, certification, target sectors, target markets, target regions as well as cooperation offers.
Tab contact persons: Here the management of the company as well as further contact persons, which were entered by the company, are shown.
Tab map: Here the detailed location of the company is shown in a map. The complete map functions are not available here but on the tab basic data (see above).
You can switch between firm details of companies by clicking the buttons “last result” or “next result” above the tabs. From the firm details you can return to the list view by clicking the return button in your browser.
Print page
All pages including the list view and firm details may be printed with the print function in your browser. In the application “Key to Bavaria Maps” map sections and company descriptions can be printed by clicking on the respective printer symbol.
Export of data
In the list view you can select up to 100 companies for data export by clicking the respective check boxes. The selection can be reset by clicking on the button "Clear. After clicking on the button “Export” above and below the list a new page opens. Here you can choose which functions the exported data of contact persons shall provide. If you did not select any data, or you chose more than 100 data entries the first 100 entries from the list view will be exported. Further, you must accept the stated terms of use. Finally, you click on the button “Export” and choose whether you want to open or save the result file. The exported data (name of company/institution, address, telephone number, E-mail, contact persons) are provided for you in Excel format.
Terms of use
The terms of use can be accessed also through the respective linking the right menu column.
Key to Bavaria-Hotline: +49 (0)1805 949260
For your questions regarding the Key to Bavaria-Database please contact our hotline by phone or E-Mail Hotline Germany +49 1805 949260 Mon–Thu 9 am–5 pm, Fri 9am–3pm (0.14 EUR / min. min. for fixed line calls from Germany; max. 0.42 EUR / min. from mobile networks, fees for international calls are subject to your local provider)