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87 results Innovations & megatrends Cloud Computing/Big Data.
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63811 Stockstadt am Main
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91325 Adelsdorf
Mechatronics means the cooperation of a mechanical system with an electronic control. A mechanical subsystem developed by our customer needs to work…
80689 München
agentix is an innovative start-up founded out of TU Munich. Process automation is being revolutionized by automating cognitively linked workflows…
91058 Erlangen
The Algorithmus Schmiede takes on research and development tasks in the field of data science, artificial intelligence / AI, data analysis,…
63768 Hösbach
Digital speech recording, digital speech recording and reproduction; Software for quality monitoring and quality control Voice recording;…
97080 Würzburg
83349 Palling
Our company offers data center services in Bavaria. We provide support in the area of e-commerce and are a certified company for the promotion of…
97232 Giebelstadt
Business-Software, Internet Services, platform for public tenders
92665 Altenstadt a.d.Waldnaab
Communications; Computers; Cryptography, secure communications; Data rescue services, data recovery services; Data services; Equipment housing…
81669 München
bridiging4success is a Management consultancy with a clear focus on the ICT industry and the stakeholder companies operating in these markets. Our…
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